Every day our experts are hard at work; exploring culinary trends, building relationships with the best suppliers in the world, continuously exploring what’s possible, working passionately to create products that not only taste delicious, but also are on the cutting edge of culinary, flavor and ingredient trends, all while adhering to Whole Foods Market’s rigorous […]
Brighter Future
When you’re walking down the aisles or browsing through the produce bins at the grocery store, it can be hard to tell what you’re actually buying. Where did it come from, who grew it, what is the impact on the local community and environment? Well, the Sourced for Good Program aims to tell that story […]
Elevated Sourcing
Looking at the international agriculture industry as a whole, it’s easy to see that issues abound. When facing damaged ecosystems, worker welfare concerns ,and unsustainable sourcing practices, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. What can any one person do? But that’s just it; no one person can solve these problems. It’s going to take all of us, […]
Shaquanda Will Feed You
On the front of Shaquanda’s Hot Pepper Sauce is Shaquanda, a drag persona that encapsulates the upbringing and community of Andre Springer. Springer is a proud New Yorker, Barbadian, performer, cook, and hot-sauce company owner. In this Whole Story, we explore the intersection of Springer’s identities and how they’re represented in a hot sauce and […]
Caviar for All
At Whole Foods Market our buyers don’t just sit behind a desk all day! Cultivating true expertise means getting out there and visiting our suppliers in person, whether that’s across the street or halfway around the world. Travel along with Annamaria Friede, our Director of Merchandising, as she and her team visit South Korea alongside […]
Tides of Change
At Whole Foods Market our buyers don’t just sit behind a desk all day! Cultivating true expertise means getting out there and visiting our suppliers in person, whether that’s across the street or halfway around the world. Travel along with Annamaria Friede, our Director of Merchandising, as she and her team visit South Korea alongside […]